So after another long sleepless night, my child is napping like an angel. I'm not exactly sure why he choses to be up every 2 hours during the night, be up for the day at 6:30 then take a wonderful nap at 9:00. I'm not complaining, I LOVE his morning naps. I get to have a cup of coffee, catch up on my shows, read a few blogs...but couldn't we compromise and get a good nights sleep til 7:30-8ish and then go from there? I'm a night girl by nature, but that means I like going to bed at 6:30, not getting up then. Anyways...
It's my own fault I get no sleep at night. Little man has been sleeping in his crib since we moved into this house, so since he was about 3 months old. His crib however is still in our bedroom. I just can't let Mr. Football move it yet, even though he threatens to everyday. I love the house we moved in to. Its spacious, it has enough yard for the dogs to do their business, it has a separate family room so Mr. Football can watch/play whatever he wants, but the bedrooms are on the first level. That wouldn't be such a big deal except the master is on the second level. So for little man to be in his own room, he's an entire floor away from me and has ground level windows. I know I'm a little neurotic but I just can't let him sleep all by himself down there. And what if someone broke in his window? (The Lindbergh baby was taken from a second story bedroom you know.) I know I'm crazy. So for now, I deal with getting no sleep because he wakes up all the time. But I'd rather have him waking me up then be worried about him all by himself...
So once he wakes up from his wonderful morning nap, we're meeting Mr. Football for lunch then going to the aquarium! Maybe I'll try to sneak in a nap too. Happy Friday!
Life Lately: Week 10
1 week ago