Monday, December 29, 2008

Not Me Monday

So between the working, Christmas and being sick, this is my first post in awhile...and I have lots to confess NOT confess. Here we go again!

I did NOT go out with my friends Monday night instead of cleaning/wrapping/packing/shopping which did NOT led to a frantic 11pm Kohls/Old Navy trip between bars...thank goodness for holiday shopping hours!
I did NOT buy Mr. Football a Christmas present after we had agreed on "no gifts" this year...I would NEVER buy him this awesome jacket for our upcoming ski trip.
And since we're so awesome at following our own rules, Mr. Football did NOT get me Lost Season 3 and 4...I can't wait until January 21st!

I did NOT get a WII Fit and a Pink Yoga mat from my siblings! They are NOT completely wonderful and I do NOT love them to pieces...I'm the baby so I do NOT get the best gifts..

I did NOT fall asleep Christmas day after opening presents and completely miss my family playing Guitar Hero World Tour...that would just make me so sad that I missed the hilariousness...(I worked all night Christmas Eve, a girls gotta sleep at some point)

I did NOT convince my 9 year old cousin to see Marley and Me with me because all of the boys wanted to see something else. I did NOT cry throughout the entire movie, and she did NOT look at me like I was crazy the entire time...

The Mr. and I did NOT drive from our house to my parents (100 miles) on Christmas morning, then leave the day after Christmas to return home (Friday) then drive to my sisters house Saturday morning (200 miles) and come back Sunday afternoon. So if we do the math or NOT do the math, that would equal 600 miles+ in one long weekend...and to make it even better, my brother, Mr. Blackhawk, took our car while at my sisters and drove another 110 miles (220 roundtrip) to finally purchase the Christmas present he wanted for himself, so we're NOT at 820 miles + total...

And we were definitely NOT at my sisters because Mr. Blackhawk wanted to go to a Gun Show (I did NOT make muscles when he first suggested this, who would do that?) in the area...And after driving all that way he didn't even find what he was looking for and had to go to another store hours away...

During all of this family fun, I was NOT cuddled up on my sisters couch too "sick" to go to the Gun Show, but NOT too sick to read Eclipse...or maybe I NOT not was too sick...I'm confusing myself now...

I do NOT feel like my head is still underwater and that my ears might explode at any minute...and I'm definitely not wishing that they would explode so that the pressure in my head might get some relief...

I did NOT try to finish my Secret Santa gift and realize when it was half done that I had run out of ink in my printer, I would always make sure I had everything I needed when working on a project...I did NOT push it aside and consider it a lost cause...

I also did NOT figure out who everyones Secret Santa is...I hate that. I always want to be surprised, but everyone ruins it for me. Its impossible to keep things secret when your shopping with your friends and they're picking out their own presents for their Santas to buy them. SERIOUSLY?!!!!

And finally, our Christmas pictures did NOT turn out fabulously! I loved the sweaters, everyone else pretty much cooperated...and the doggies even got their own Christmas outfits! My parents have 2 dogs also, so my Mom likes to buy them ALL matching outfits. Gotta love doggy grandmas!

My brother in law, my sister, Mr. Blackhawk, myself, Mr. Loves-football-more-than-life

my mom, Lilo, my dad
??Why is Lilo the only dog in the picture??

my mom and dad, Lilo, Lucky (his jacket is blue, but he's too fluffy to see it)

Jax and Lulu

So I guess that will do for this week, although I'm sure I could keep going...I'm off to take some more cold/flu medicine and hope that my head stops pounding/nose stops running/quit coughing/ears stop popping...maybe theres a magic medicine that will do that...Please send your prayers MckMama's way, her sweet baby Stellan is battling a pretty severe case of RSV and is in the hospital right now...


Emily said...

never too sick to read the twilight books;)
Ok the picture of your mom and dad and the pups... adorable! i LOVE IT:) soo presh!
Hope you start to feeling better

CLR said...

Love your "not" list... I would have a good one of my own! Glad you had a good Christmas!

The Mrs. said...

wow. you werent kidding, those dogs are all wearing coats. Thats adorable!

your nots sound pretty good!

littlesack said...

YEAH! love not me mondays!!! Ps_I got lost Season 2 on dvd and cant wait till next christmas went i get the next season. it is the best show ever and I will not be able to sleep the night before it premiers again! Glad to have a bloggy buddy just as obsessed!

Mary Teresa said...

Christmas isn't Christmas unless some family member feels like their head is about to explode. I mean seriously. =D Hope you feel better soon and I'm glad you guys had an awesome holiday.