Whats wrong with me!!!???
I feel like I have a million things to do, but all I can accomplish today are selfish tasks...
Tomorrow I promise to:
-Catch up on laundry, its a MUST
-Put Christmas decorations away
-Pay lotsa bills
-Clean the house
-Get my oil changed
But tonight...
...I'll be spending with the beautiful Dr. Sean McNamara and Dr. Christian Troy
Really....whats wrong with me???
Eh, I cleaned the house finally last week when I realized I hadn't done so since Thanksgiving. Whoops!
You need a break. You were just sick!
our house is only rid of decorations because I needed to have flyboy around to help me get them down and back in the attic, so it had to be done right quick before he left again. Now he's gone, I'm eating tv dinners (I do make actual food for my kids to my defense), doing only the laundry that NEEDS to be done (ie underpants), and laying in bed as soon as the kids go down. So really I'm probably lazier then you! (Not that I think your lazy, hardly, your schedule sounds like hell)
yep, dito. ept for the nip tuck, I have tried to get into it but just can't. I know peepe love it tho! I hope you get your stuff done and dont be so hard on yourself, its going around!! ;) LA
There is nothing wrong with ya, darlin'. Nothing at all. Enjoy your relax time, the laundry will still be there tomorrow. :)
You're doing exactly what I do! After working... who really wants to do more work at home!
I love Nip Tuck as well.
Eh sometimes our body wants rest othertime we have lots of extra energy to burn and want to run around organzing a basement.
I'd say it's best to just listen to your body and curl up in the winter to watch some Nip/Tuck.
Everyone needs a break and it sounds like you needed one!
yep friend.. you got what i got:)
Last night in spite of having so much to do... I made dinner and then headed to the couch to watch my sunday shows I had dvred!ha! I am thinking this weekend will be a good time to get stuff done:)
had to give up on that show---i watched it before bed and rediculous dreams. I couldn't take it anymore. Ps- left you something on my blog!
Oh Meow, there is nothing wrong with you. I have that sickness too... It's bad, real bad... doing productive things is so, so overrated anyways....
Ps- thought you might enjoy this:
Did you get my email with your blog header??
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