Tuesday, February 17, 2009

busy night

I saved a baby's testicle last night...what did you do?
We went by ambulance, lights and sirens to save this baby's family jewels.
I know that its a very serious situation, and terrifying for this family...
but it IS pretty funny to think about.
My job has so many ups and downs, when things are bad...they're really bad
so sometimes you need some comic relief.
(And I'm not a totally insensitive cruel b*tch, his "boys" are going to be just fine. I'd probably think VERY differently had the situation been different.)


Mary Teresa said...

Hmmm. It didn't have anything to do with baby testicles...that's for sure. =D Glad baby and his boys are all well and good.

Christy said...

I love your nursing stories!! How awesome that you could do that for that baby!

Well, I'm off to class...I can't wait to be DONE with school - lol!

Jordan said...

That is pretty comical but I'm glad that the baby is all in tact & doing well!! LOL

Ellen Mint said...

I must admit I am a touch curious just how said baby got into a circumstance to warrant him possibly losing a testicle just because it is amazing the things kids get up to.

ashley said...

he'll probably be looking for you one day to say thanks!

Lindsay said...

Was a RT required on that trip? lol

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Hmm, that has got to be the most interesting story I've heard all day. You win the prize.

New Girl on Post said...

Now that's a post you don't see too often!

The Mrs. said...

Until I was a mom of boys I never thought I would have full scale discussions about testicles and whatnots as if its a normal everyday converstation topic. Welcome to the club.

Kimber B Photography said...

That is pretty darn funny. I would have laughed about it too.