Monday, February 9, 2009

Not Me Monday

When I started my blog I was determined to be one of the first participants in MckMama's "Not Me Monday" every week. So much so that I'd stay up late at night just to see if she'd posted yet...which isn't too uncommon for me since I work nights. Then I'd either stay up til the wee hours of the morning or get up super early to see if I could get in the top 10 or 20 or 30. Wait, I would NEVER do that... hmm.

Well this week I woke up late, almost forgot about MckMama's wonderful blog carnival, and then debated not posting at all.

I then remembered all the things I did NOT do this week, and this weekend especially and decided that it was so worth sharing with everyone. Thanks MckMama for the free therapy!

-This week I did NOT spend more hours at the hospital then at home. I was not there before work, during work and after work pretty much everyday. Because of NOT spending so much time at the hospital my house is NOT completely disgusting.

-I did NOT have a root canal and hair appointment scheduled for the same day. I did NOT figure if I was good and went to my dentist appointment then I could reward myself with a "new do". The root canal was NOT horribly painful and my dentist did NOT prescribe me 2 pain killers after... and my hair is NOT super cute.

-I did NOT consider it pretty fortunate that my dentist prescribed 2 pretty heavy duty pain killers right before our snowboarding trip. I would NEVER take medications for any other reason other than prescribed. I'm a nurse after all...

-Our car trip up North did NOT consist of Mr. Football and Mr. T driving and us girls watching DVD's in the back, for the entire 5 hours. We always do our share and drive or keep our men company...

-I did NOT fall over and over and over again trying to snowboard. I did NOT think that since I used to know what I was doing, this would be a piece of cake. I do NOT hurt, and I am NOT taking Motrin 800 around the clock...

-I did NOT almost die several times on the slopes after professional children skiers tried to run me over.

-We did NOT spend the remaining part of the weekend crying over our aches and pains, we are NOT that old!

-I am NOT still sore today (2 days later) and dreading the drive to my parents to pick up the pups. I do NOT enjoy my quiet house and really want to clean it before the dogs come back and destroy it all over again. I am NOT catching up on cheesy reality TV (Rock of Love/Tool Academy) while I could be cleaning. Its a vicious cycle...

Well I feel better, make sure to check out MckMama's site for more confessions. I know I will, once Tool Academy is over of course...


Aileigh said...

I hope you get to feeling better soon! :)

d.a.r. said...

I hope you start feeling better soon!!!

I have a root canal scheduled next month, and to say I am terrified is a gross understatement. Was it really that bad??? Oh gosh. Eeek.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I had a root canal in july, horrible, nasty things. I am glad your feeling better, with a cute hairdo to boot!

Mary Teresa said...

The cute hair cancels out all root canal pains. And I think it's allowable to just skip the middle man and not clean your house before the pups return home. I mean they will just make it a mess again. =D

Ashley @ {Let Go, Laughing} said...

I hope you feel better soon! I think its great that you rewarded yourself with a haircut!

Great Not Me's!

littlesack said...

oh man, the first time skiing (or boarding in your case) after years of not doing it, is horrific. Hope it was worth the pain

How is everything going with the baby?

onto LOST- I was SO excited to see Jin! and I was thinking that too--like Where is Sun's baby? maybe with her mom? Idk- but I guess we will see manana!

KLC said...

check out my blog, I left you an award!